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The New Year

Wow, it's been so long since I've written and I'm really sorry for keeping you guys waiting but it's just been a really hectic year starting off and I haven't really had the chance to just seat down and process my thoughts properly. Happy New Year

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It's Hard

Dear Person reading, right now as I write this, I'm in a zone where I'm feeling like everything I've been working so hard to accomplish is being shattered on the floor like broken glass. I've been trying so hard to overlook the cracks, but now it's slowly...

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New Phase

Dear Person reading this I know i know. I have been so busy and worked up in my own world that i have not had the time to post anything on my blog. Life has been hitting me hard. Like right, left and centre and things have not been easy at all. Its crazy...

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Beautiful Memory

Dear Person reading this Because it’s a throwback, I decided to write about a beautiful memory which is about a letter I received on the 30th August 2012. This letter was not just any other letter, but it was a letter that when I look back I see that...

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3 Years Down

Dear Person reading this I remember it as if it was yesterday. On October 27th 2011 we couldn't keep our eyes off our laptop screens. I was home in Oshikuku, and he was home in Windhoek. Skype was our muse. Our communicator. The link that was bringing...

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Uniquely Me

Dear Person reading this Uniquely me is about me. Thee Pelly FreshQueen. Uniquely me is about a young woman who appreciates herself for all of her flaws, because it is through those flaws that make up the compartments of her being. Uniquely me is about...

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Please dont tell me

Dear Person Reading this Please dont tell me you love me when you really dont. You say, "Pumpkin this is forever. We are forever". How can we be forever when from time to time i start to fall less inlove because of all the lies you tell me? All the deception...

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Him to Me

Dear Person reading this Right now as i lay in my bed listening to Sia and trying to procrastinate on the loads of the work i have to do i find myself going through my old laptop and finding files that i never transferred to my new laptop, and i started...

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The other Person

Dear Person reading this “The source of love is deep in us and we can help others realize a lot of happiness. One word, one action, one thought can reduce another person’s suffering and bring that person joy.” ― Thích Nhất Hạnh Do you ever just get to...

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Love Life

Dear Person reading this “When you plant lettuce, if it does not grow well, you don't blame the lettuce. You look for reasons it is not doing well. It may need fertilizer, or more water, or less sun. You never blame the lettuce. Yet if we have problems...

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